Nari Shakti Doot App- Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana 2024

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The Maharashtra government has created a new app called the Nari Shakti Doot App to help underprivileged women. This app makes it easy for women to apply for the Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Majhi ladki Bahin Scheme 2024 which gives financial aid and supports their education and development. This article explains everything about the NariShakti Doot App, including its features, who can use it, and how to apply for Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana with NariShakti App.

Note: The scheme gives eligible women Rs. 1500 every month. This money helps them become financially independent and supports their education.

Nari Shakti Doot Yojana

narishakti yojana app download
NameNari Shakti Doot App
Introduced byGovernment of Maharashtra
Scheme NameMajhi Ladki Bahini Yojana
BeneficiariesUnderprivileged Women of Maharashtra
Registration ModeOnline
Registration Last DateAugust 31, 2024
PurposeFinancial aid and educational support
Age Range for Eligibility21 to 65 years
Documents RequiredAadhar card, Address proof, PAN card, Age proof, Income certificate
Application ProcessThrough the Nari Shakti Doot App
Contact for SupportHelpline number in the app or Maharashtra government website
Majhi Ladki Bahin HamipatraHamipatra pdf Download
NariShakti AppDownload App

The Nari Shakti Doot App is a digital tool created by the Maharashtra government to make it easier for women to apply for the Majhi Ladli Behna Scheme Maharashtra. This scheme provides financial help and supports women’s education and development.

Here’s how the NariShakti 2024 App helps:

  • Streamlines the Process: Narishakti simplifies the application process. Instead of dealing with lots of paperwork and visiting government offices, women can complete everything directly on their phones.
  • Easy Access: Women can use Narishakti app from anywhere, making it much more convenient than traveling to a government office.
  • Time-Saving: By using the app NariShakti, the time spent applying for the scheme is reduced significantly. The process is faster and smoother.
  • User-Friendly: NariShakti Yojana is designed to be easy to use, even for those who may not be very familiar with technology.

In summary, the Nari Shakti Doot App makes applying for the Ladli Behna Scheme quicker, simpler, and more accessible for women in Maharashtra.

Also Check:- Maharashtra Majhi Ladka Bhau Yojana 2024- ₹5,000 – ₹10,000 per month for boys

NariShakti Yojana

The primary objectives of the Nari Shakti Doot App are:

  • Financial Independence: Provide financial assistance to women aged 21 to 60.
  • Educational Support: Facilitate free education for girls struggling financially.
  • Ease of Access: Simplify the application process for the Ladli Behna Scheme.

NariShakti Yojana Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Mukhyamantri Ladki Bahin Scheme via the Nari Shakti Doot App, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Eligibility CriteriaDetails
ResidenceMust be a permanent resident of Maharashtra
AgeBetween 21 and 65 years

Also Read:- Ladli Behna Yojana 2024 Maharashtra-1500 Rupees Monthly for Women

NariShakti Yojana Required Documents

Applicants will need the following documents to apply NariShakti Yojana:

Document TypeDescription
Aadhar CardIdentity proof
Address ProofResidential verification
PAN CardFinancial identification
Age ProofDate of birth verification
Income CertificateProof of financial status

How to Download the Nari Shakti Doot App?

To Download Nari Shakti Doot apply yojana App for Android, iOS, pc, laptop follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your smartphone.
  2. Search for “Nari Shakti Doot App”.
  3. Click on the “Install” button.
  4. Once installed, open the app and proceed with the registration.

Note:- If you face login problem with the App. Contact the Support team.

Steps to Apply for NariShakti Doot Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana

Applying for the MukhyaMantri Yojana Ladki Bahin 2024 via the Nari Shakti Doot App involves the following steps:

  1. Download and Install: First, download and install the Nari Shakti Doot App from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the App: Launch the NariShakti app on your device.
  3. Enter Mobile Number: Input your mobile number and click on the login button.
  4. OTP Verification: An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP for verification.
  5. Complete Profile: After verification, fill in your profile details including name, email ID, and district.
  6. Select Scheme: Click on the “Ladli Behna Scheme” option.
  7. Fill Application Form: Complete the application form with all required details.
  8. Upload Documents: Upload the necessary documents.
  9. Submit Application: Finally, click on the “Submit” button to complete the application process.

Steps to Login

To log in to the Nari Shakti Doot Yojana App, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app on your device.
  2. Click on the “Login” button.
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Click on the “Login” button to access your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of the Nari Shakti Doot Maharashtra App?

The app is designed to facilitate the easy and hassle-free application for the 2024 Ladki Bahin Yojana, helping women access financial aid and educational support.

Where can I download Nari Shakti Doot 2024 app?

The app is available for download on the Google Play Store.

Is the Nari Shakti Doot Application free to use?

Yes, the app is free to download and use for all eligible women for Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana 2024.

What happens if I don’t receive the OTP for verification?

If you don’t receive the OTP, you can request it again by clicking on the “Resend OTP” option in the app.

Can I edit my Majhi ladki Bahin 2024 Yojana application after submission?

No, once the ladli behna application is submitted, it cannot be edited. Ensure all details are correct before submitting.

What if I miss the Majhi Ladki Bahini registration deadline?

Applications submitted after the registration deadline (August 31, 2024) will not be accepted.

Is there any offline mode to apply for the Majhi Ladki Bahin Scheme 2024?

Currently, the scheme is designed to be accessed online through the Nari Shakti Doot App to ensure ease and convenience.

Can I apply for the scheme if I am outside Maharashtra?

No, only permanent residents of Maharashtra are eligible to apply for the scheme.

What are the benefits of the MukhyaMantri Yojana Ladki Bahin 2024?

The scheme provides financial assistance of Rs. 1500 per month to eligible women, promoting financial independence and educational support.

How will I know if my application is approved?

You will receive a notification on the app regarding the status of your application. You can also check the status by logging into NariShakti app.

Who can I contact for support or queries related to the Nari Shakti Doot App?

For any support or queries, you can contact the helpline number provided in the app or visit the official website of the Maharashtra government.


The Nari Shakti Doot Yojana App is an important tool to help women in Maharashtra by giving them financial aid and educational opportunities. With Nari shakti 2024 app, the Maharashtra government is using technology to make it easier for women to get these benefits. This helps women have a better and more independent future. If you are eligible for Yojana Majhi Ladki Bahini 2024 Maharashtra, be sure to download the NariShakti application and apply for Ladki Bahin before the last date August 31, 2024.

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16 thoughts on “Nari Shakti Doot App- Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana 2024”

  1. After selecting District and Taluka, final submit button if is buffering and unable to submit form. Some dropdowns are not working. Please resolve this. I am trying to submit 1 form from last 3-4 hours.

  2. या app मधून मुख्यमंत्री लाडकी बहिण या योजनेसाठी अर्ज करत असताना आम्हाला अडचण येत आहे
    रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म भरून कागद पत्र अपलोड केल्यानंतर सबमिट येथे क्लिक केले असता the bank account number have already taken व आधार नंबरच्या येथे देखील the adhar number have already taken असा मजकूर येवून फॉर्म सबमिट होत नाही . तरी विनंती आहे की आपण याविषयी मार्गदर्शन करावे

    • सर फॉर्म ची स्थिति पाहिली तर फॉर्म अप्रूव आहे पन एसएमएस वेरिफिकेशन पेंडिंग दखावत आहे, त्यामुडे पैसे पन जमा नाही झाले अप्रूव चा msg पन नाही आला एडिट पन नाही होत आहे काय करावे

  3. मोबाइल नंबर एडिट होइना तर काय करावे ?

  4. माझा फॉर्म अप्रोव्ह झाला आहे पण शेवट चे समिटेड करताना चुकीचं otp टाकण्यात आला आहे त्या मुळे sms समिटेड पेंडिंग दाखवते. तरी मार्गदर्शन करावे

  5. मी माझा फॉर्म 28 ऑगस्ट रोजी भरला होता त्यानंतर मला एक 22 सप्टेंबरला मला मेसेज आला की माझं नेसेसरी फॉर्म रिजेक्ट केला आहे तर तुम्ही परत रिसबमीट करा पण त्या दिवसापासून आतापर्यंत आजपर्यंत पण मी ॲप ओपन करते आहे. पण अॅप ओपन होत नाही. नारी शक्ती दूत ॲप वरनं मी फॉर्म भरला होता तर ते ॲप ओपनच होत नाहीये. मी सायबर कॅफेमध्ये पण गेले भरायला तिथे त्यांनी मला सांगितलं का तुम्हाला ॲपवरूनच करावं लागेल, मी नगरपालिकेत पण जाऊन आले त्यांनीही सांगितलं का तुम्हालाच करावा लागेल नाहीतर आम्ही काहीही करू शकत नाही मग अशा वेळेस मी काय करावं 22 तारखेपासून मी रोजच्या रोज मी नारी शक्ती ॲपवर प्रयत्न करते आहे, पण ॲपच बंद आहे तर माझ्या फॉर्म भरायचा राहून जाणार आहे मला हे सवलत मिळणार नाही का?

  6. Your application no NYS-05667384-6698ad95c30f97970 for MMLBY has been provisionally rejected. Do necessary compliance & resubmit the application.- WCD, GOM – MAHGOV

    But nari Shakti app is not open..

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