In Jodhpur, Rajasthan, it was discovered that there were problems with the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) housing scheme. After a thorough investigation, officials found that 16 people who should not have received houses under this scheme were given them. Because of this, serious actions are being taken against local officials, including the village officer (Gram Adhikari) and the village head (Sarpanch) of Agolai, the area where the issue occurred.
Investigation Uncovers Malpractices
The scam was first discovered by ABP News, which made a report about it. This led the district officials in Jodhpur to start a detailed investigation. Jodhpur’s District Collector, Gaurav Agarwal, led this investigation and found that there were major problems with how the houses were being given out.
A team of eight people was set up to check how the houses were distributed. They visited the sites and talked to people, and found that, out of 248 houses given out in Agolai, 16 recipients were not qualified to receive them.
Category | Details |
Total Houses Investigated | 248 |
Ineligible Beneficiaries | 16 |
Immediate Actions | Notices issued, recovery process initiated |
Action Against Local Officials
Following the findings, quick and strict actions have been taken against the officials involved. Angad Meena, the village officer (Gram Adhikari) of Agolai, has been removed from his job and suspended. He will also face further penalties, such as having his rank and responsibilities reduced.
The village head (Sarpanch) of Agolai is also being investigated, and actions are being taken against him according to specific rules (Section 38). The district administration is determined to hold everyone involved accountable and ensure that justice is done.
Official | Action Taken |
Gram Adhikari | Removed, suspended, and demoted |
Sarpanch | Action under Section 38 |
Government’s Stance on Corruption
District Collector Gaurav Agarwal stressed that the government will not tolerate any corruption. He assured the public that strict actions will be taken against anyone found guilty of fraud.
Gaurav Agarwal asked citizens to report any corruption or delays in services. He assured that complaints would be kept confidential and that quick action would be taken against corrupt officials.
Public Appeal
The collector is urging people to help keep government schemes honest. By reporting any corruption, the public can make sure that programs like PMAY benefit the people who really need them.
This situation highlights the importance of being watchful and holding people accountable when managing government welfare programs. The actions taken by the Jodhpur administration show a strong commitment to fighting corruption, aiming to rebuild trust in public schemes and make sure resources are distributed fairly.