Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana Online Registration (Free 300 Units Electricity)

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The PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana is a big project started by the Indian government on February 29, 2024. The main aim of this scheme is to help families in India, especially those with low or middle incomes. It promotes the use of solar energy by giving free electricity to these families. This article will talk about how the scheme works, its benefits, and how families can apply for it.

Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana

PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana
Launch DateFebruary 29, 2024
Target BeneficiariesLow- and middle-income households in India
Free Electricity Provided300 units per month per household
Solar Panel Subsidy60% for systems up to 2kW, 40% for systems between 2-3kW
Job CreationNew jobs in solar panel installation and maintenance
Environmental BenefitsReduces carbon emissions and promotes green energy
Application ProcessOnline, via official website
Required DocumentsAadhar card, domicile certificate, electricity bill, etc.
Income OpportunityFamilies can sell surplus power to DISCOMs
Subsidy Payment TimelineWithin 30 days after approval

The main objectives of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana are:

  • Each family will get 300 units of free electricity every month.
  • The scheme encourages families to use solar panels, which helps them rely less on regular electricity.
  • Installing and taking care of solar panels will create jobs for people in the local area.
  • Families can save money on their electricity bills, which means they can use that money for other important things.
  • By encouraging the use of solar energy, the scheme helps protect the environment and keep it clean.

Key Features of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana

1. Subsidies for Solar Panel Installation

The scheme offers generous subsidies for installing solar panels:

  • 60% subsidy for systems up to 2kW capacity.
  • 40% subsidy for systems between 2kW and 3kW capacity.

This means families won’t have to spend as much money at the beginning when they set up solar panels. For instance, if a family installs a solar system that can generate 3 kilowatts of power, they can get a financial help of up to ₹78,000 to make it more affordable.

2. Integration with Local Bodies

The scheme will be implemented through the following bodies:

  • National Programme Implementation Agency (NPIA) at the national level.
  • State Implementation Agencies (SIAs) at the state level.

Local Distribution Utilities, or DISCOMs, are important for helping families install solar panels. They will check the installations to make sure everything is safe and working correctly. They will also provide special meters called net meters, which help track how much electricity is used and how much is generated by the solar panels.

3. Online Application Process

The application process is easy to use and done online. Families that qualify can apply through the official website, so it’s available for everyone to access.

4. Economic and Environmental Benefits

The scheme is not just about providing free electricity. It aims to deliver economic and environmental benefits:

Job Creation: More people will be needed to install and take care of solar panels, which means new jobs will be created.

Carbon Emission Reduction: Using solar energy helps us use less fossil fuel, which means less harmful gas is released into the air.

Income Opportunities: Families can sell any extra electricity they generate back to the local utility company (DISCOMs), giving them a chance to earn extra money.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana, applicants must meet certain criteria:

  • Indian Citizen: To apply, you must be an Indian citizen.
  • Homeowner: You need to own a home that has a roof suitable for installing solar panels.
  • Valid Electricity Connection: Your home must have an active electricity connection.
  • No Other Subsidies: You shouldn’t have received any other financial help for solar panels before.

Required Documents

Applicants need to provide several documents to apply for the scheme:

Aadhar CardIdentity verification
Domicile CertificateProof of residency
Electricity BillCurrent electricity usage
Bank PassbookFinancial details
Passport Size PhotoPersonal identification
Ration CardAdditional identity proof
Mobile NumberFor communication purposes
AffidavitProof of declaration
Income CertificateTo assess eligibility

How to Apply for the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana?

Applying for the scheme is a simple process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Visit the Official Website: Go to the website

Step 2: Click on “Apply For Rooftop Solar“.

MUFT Bijli Yojana

Step 3: Register:

Next click on “Registration” and then fill in the needed information, like your state, District, electricity provider (DISCOM), and consumer account number. Next, fill in the captcha code and then click on “Next” button.

PM Surya Ghar muft bijli yojana registration

Step 4: Login: Use your consumer number and mobile number to sign in.

Step 5: Submit Application: Complete the form to apply for installing solar panels.

Step 6: Approval Process: Wait for your electricity provider (DISCOM) to approve your application.

Step 7: Installation: Once approved, find a registered company to install the solar panels for you.

Step 8: Net Meter Application: After the installation, apply for a net meter through the website.

Step 9: Commissioning Certificate: After the installation is checked, DISCOM will give you a certificate saying everything is set up correctly.

Step 10: Receive Subsidy: Provide your bank details to get your financial support within 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much subsidy can I expect?

You can receive a subsidy of up to ₹78,000 for installing a 3kW system. The exact amount depends on the system capacity you choose.

2. Is the application process difficult?

No, the process is designed to be user-friendly. Most steps can be completed online.

3. Can I sell surplus electricity back to DISCOMs?

Yes, households can sell excess power back to the local DISCOM, providing an additional income source.

4. What if I don’t have a suitable roof for solar panels?

Unfortunately, only homes with suitable roofs can participate in the scheme.

5. How does the scheme benefit the environment?

By promoting solar energy, the scheme helps reduce carbon emissions and encourages the use of renewable resources.


The PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana is a program designed to improve the lives of many families in India. It offers free electricity and encourages the use of solar energy, helping to create a better and more sustainable future. The application process is easy, and there are good financial supports available. This scheme aims to benefit both families and the environment. If you meet the requirements, you should apply and help make India greener!

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